Friday, February 14, 2020

Organisational behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Organisational behaviour - Essay Example Generation Y comprises of people born between 1981 and 1994 with some others extending the period to 2002. They are depicted as ethnically diverse people who are optimistic, achievement oriented, confident, independent, and digitally savvy and dislike being micromanaged (Tapscott, 2009). Millennials are joining organisations in large numbers and may presently contribute to the largest percentage of employees in a company. As they join the workforce, new demands are emerging in order to meet their requirements, which seem to differ from those of the boomers and the Generation X employees. Therefore, companies are creating models based on evaluation of Generation Y’s values, characteristics, and aspirations, then applying them with some well-known theories to incorporate this generation into the workplace (Pepermans and Kerpel, 2008:907). Analysis of the Main Issues facing Management at Rising Entertainment Rising entertainment has a few problems when it comes to the management of Generation Y employees. Firstly, the Generation Y and Generation X employees seem to be in a dispute. The Generation Y wants the Generation X employees to immediately adopt the new ideas that they possess. Josh introduces the idea of marketing the new series on websites, blogs and You tube because he thinks that it would improve sales. Sara, on the hand, nods in agreement but quickly brushes off the idea making Josh feel insignificant. The Generation Y employee has great ideas, but forgets to make further plans like the fiscal capacity needed for implementation. Josh seems to possess a pool of new ideas but in his haste, overlooks planning and protocols, a characteristic associated with the Generation Y. Generation Y employees are creative and forward thinking as depicted in the case of Josh (Erickson, 2008). Generation Y employees are impartial towards protocol and traditional power structures that exist within an organisation. This leads to distrust between employees (Erickson, 2008). Josh meets the company’s C.E.O., Sam, and immediately talks about his marketing ideas and how they would increase sales. Sam tells Josh to give a presentation in a meeting scheduled on the following day. Josh is not even aware of the meeting for he is not scheduled to attend. He is not prepared either. Generation Y employees seem to disregard protocol as Josh did, thus conflicting with the other employees. They are in always in a hurry to get push their ideas and see most of them implemented, therefore, going to the extent of bypassing relevant authority. After finding out that Josh contacted Smithson, Sara gets angry because Josh did not follow the right channels (Erickson, 2009). Generation Y employees await daily feedback about their performance and continuous recognition for their contribution. They feel that they have valuable knowledge and should take credit for it (Erickson, 2008). After getting recognised, Generation Y employees want rewards, which are in this case, promotions and flexible calendars. The flexible calendar ensures that they have some free time off the job to enjoy life (Munro, 2009:7). Josh wanted his ideas taken seriously and implemented so that he could be rewarded. Josh can be seen yearning for some free time to enjoy Los Angeles nightlife. He thinks that he can get a senior position by

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Foreign Exchange Rates and Exchange Rate Risk Essay

Foreign Exchange Rates and Exchange Rate Risk - Essay Example The rates therefore are either determined through the market forces or by the central bank of the country to maintain and manage them at a reasonable level. It is also important to understand that when global firms deal in foreign exchange they also expose themselves to various risks. Every firm which deals in foreign currency therefore have to fact these risks and use different hedging methods. These methods vary depending upon the needs of the organization as well as the nature of the transaction. It is however, critical that each firm has to face these risks and must also manage them in order to avoid losses or reduce the risks and manage it at acceptable level. An exchange rate is the rate at which one currency is actually converted into another currency. It is also the value of currency of one country in terms of the value of the currency of another country. The value of two currencies is mostly determined in the open market in which many buyers and sellers actually determine the value based upon overall demand and supply of each currency. It is important to note that there are usually 2 types of exchange rates i.e. spot rates and forward exchange rates. Spot exchange rates are the rates which are offered on the spot for the buying and selling of any particular currency. However, forward exchange rates are determined for the currencies to be purchased or sold in given future date. When international organizations actually receive their payments in foreign currency, they contact foreign currency dealers to offer them either spot or forward rates. Foreign currency dealers however, always quote two different rates i.e. the rate at which the dealer will buy the currency and the rate at which he will sell the currency to the organization. The difference between the bid and ask price (buying and selling price) is considered as the